Pears are full of fiber, low in calories and rich in a variety of antioxidants, including an average of 8 mg of vitamin C.
They contain no cholesterol, sodium or fat and are an ideal healthy snack, as they are high in fructose and other sugars, but have a low glycemic index.
Pear skin contains flavonoids, phenols and triterpenes, which have antioxidant properties, while the whole fruit has been used for centuries in traditional anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antihyperglycemic remedies.
Varieties available:
- Coscia
- Abate Fetel
- Forelle
- Flamingo
- Packams
Produced in:
- Linderos
- Coquimbo
- Requinoa
- Romeral
- Linares

Naturally sweet and good for the heart, grapes are also a source of melatonin, vitamins C (27% of the recommended daily intake) and K (28% of the recommended daily intake) and potassium.
K is a vital vitamin for healthy bones, while C is an essential nutrient and a potent antioxidant; but grapes, in fact, contain more than 1,600 beneficial plant compounds, especially red grapes, due to the anthocyanins that give them their color.
Varieties available:
We produce and export all major red, green and black seedless grape varieties, plus Red Globe.
Produced in:
- Copiapó
- Coquimbo
- San Felipe

Cherries are considered both a delicious dessert and a superfood, as they are ranked among the 20 foods with the highest concentration of antioxidants.
Cherries are considered both a delicious dessert and a superfood, as they are ranked among the 20 foods with the highest concentration of antioxidants.
Varieties available:
We produce and export the main red varieties available in Chile, such as Santina and Lapins, as well as bicolor cherries such as Rainer or Tip Top®.
Produced in:
- Linderos
- Requinoa
- Teno

Plums are known for their sweet and sour taste and juicy flesh. They are an excellent source of nutrients, such as vitamins A and C, as well as dietary fiber. In addition, they contain antioxidants that can help fight oxidative stress in the body.
These fruits are versatile and are used in a variety of dishes, from salads to desserts. In addition to their culinary use, plums also have cultural and symbolic meanings in various traditions and mythologies around the world.
Varieties available:
- D. Agen
- Angeleno
Produced in:
- Linderos
- Requinoa
- Teno

Clementines / Mandarins
Mandarins and clementines and all of the more than 200 varieties and hybrids of mandarins that exist in the world are the perfect healthy snack, as they are very easy to peel and preserve, and contain less than 50 calories each.
Like other fruits, they are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium, and are a good source of fiber and vitamins. Like all citrus fruits, mandarins are an excellent source of vitamin C, but provide a higher amount of two antioxidant phytochemicals (beta-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin) compared to other citrus fruits.
Available varieties Clementines:
- Clemenules
- Arrufatina
- Oro Grande
- Loretina
- Oronules
Available varieties Mandarins:
- W.Murcott
- Orri
Produced in:
- Coquimbo
- San Felipe

Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, especially polyphenols and vitamin C. These compounds can help fight free radical damage in the body and contribute to overall health.
In addition to being a source of antioxidants, pomegranates have been associated with several health benefits. It has been suggested that they may help maintain heart health, lower blood pressure and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Varieties available:
- Wonderful
Produced in:
- Copiapó
- Coquimbo

Kiwifruit, also known as “Actinidia deliciosa,” is a small, fuzzy, greenish-brown fruit that is known for its vibrant green interior and unique flavor.
Kiwi consumption has been associated with various health benefits, including improved immune system, digestion and skin health due to its antioxidant properties.
Available varieties:
- Hayward
Produced in:
- Linderos

A real booster for heart and digestive health.
A single lemon can provide about 31 mg of vitamin C (51% of the recommended daily intake) and contains fiber, hesperidin, diosmin and citric acid, all substances closely related to the prevention of anemia, known to reduce cholesterol levels and help maintain healthy kidneys and intestine.
Varieties available:
- Eureka
Produced in:
- Coquimbo

Apples are one of the most popular fruits and rich in fiber and water, two qualities that make them satiating and, therefore, ideal to eat as a snack throughout the day. One medium apple provides between 2% and 4% of the recommended daily intake of manganese, copper and vitamins A, E, B1, B2 and B6.
Apples have also been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, mainly because they contain a good amount of soluble fiber, essential for maintaining a healthy bowel and reducing constipation.
Varieties available:
We produce and export major apple varieties such as Ambrosia, Pink Lady/Cripps Pink, Gala, Granny, Red, Fuji, plus an innovative red-fleshed Kissabel ® apple program.
Produced in:
- Requinoa
- Teno
- Linares

Nectarine are juicy, sweet fruits that belong to the Rosaceae family and are a variety of peach.
They are a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. They also contain antioxidants that can help fight free radical damage in the body.
Varieties available:
- Margiart
- Nectariane
- Nectareine
Produced in:
- San Felipe
- Linderos